Webbege Blog

4 Steps to Craft a Great CTA that Converts Visitors

Written by Frank Geraci | 11 Feb

You have done the hard work to send traffic to your landing pages. But, this is only half of the battle. You still have to find a way to convert those visitors to leads! Getting those conversions comes down to your Call-to-Action (CTA). Somehow, you have to entice your visitor to complete a desired action. Otherwise, the visitor leaves your page (and probably your life). Here are a few qualities of an effective CTA.


How to Write a Great Call-to-Action

1. Clearly tell your visitor what to do.

Click to subscribe. Enter your email. Order now.

Make it as clear as possible what you want the person viewing your landing page to do. Stick to a single action per landing page and make it obvious how to complete the action. The more a visitor has to guess or search, the more likely they are to get bored or frustrated and navigate away from your landing page.


2. Use action-oriented language.

A French antiperspirant company increased their conversions by 93% by switching to a more action-oriented call to action. Their original, "feel fresh without sweat marks" focused on how people felt. The replacement, "put an end to sweat marks," emphasized what the product will do. By talking in terms of what a prospect will experience, you can significantly increase their level of curiosity.


3. Create a sense of urgency.

You don't want your visitor leaving the page open in a window to "maybe" complete later. Create urgency with the language (such as "subscribe now") or through a time-limited offer. For instance, you can offer a free bonus to a visitor who clicks through and completes the offer within the next 30 minutes.


4. Offer a sense of trust.

Offering money-back guarantees or free trials allows your prospect to feel safe making a purchase. When you make it clear that the purchase is risk-free, they're more likely to take up your offer.


Your CTA is just a single sentence, but it's the one that determines whether or not you have a sale. Pay careful attention to this all-important aspect of your page to significantly increase your conversions and improve your bottom line.

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